
Apache Airflow 遇到的問題紀錄

1.StatsD 無作用
版本: 2.0.1
Airflow 2.0 does not send metrics to statsD when Scheduler is run with Daemon mode #13741
原因: daemonContext will close the socket of statsd.
暫時解法: 不使用 airflow scheduler -D, 先改用 airflow scheduler &

Fix statsd metrics not sending when using daemon mode #14454

版本: 2.0.1

Can not started scheduler when use command "airflow scheduler -D" #10055

原因:"pooling" behavior .
暫時解法: disabling connection pools
參數設定: sql_alchemy_pool_enabled = False


Modify: 2021/04/22


Getting a mortgage

A: Hey, Ben, I think I'm finally ready to become a homeowner. B: That's great! Doy you hav your down payment saved up? A: Yup. But I'm not really sure about the mortgage. Should I get a fixed rate or a variable one. B: I'd day get a fixed rate, with an amortization of 15 years. A: That seems like forever. Can I pay it off sooner, like if I get a lummp sum of money? B: You'd better check with the bank. Sometimes they penalize you for that. A: And then how do I know how much house I can afford? I don't wnat to be house poor. B: Generally speaking, your payment shouldn't exceed 25% of your monthly take-home pay. A: Okay, thanks. Hopefully in a few months I'll be moving into my new pad. B: Just make sure to invite me to the housewarming party! homeowner down payment 分期付款的頭期款 mortgage loan fixed rate variable rate amortization 分期償還 (分幾期) fifteen-year mortgage 分15年 lump sum 一次性支付的金額 e.g. Do you wnat us to pay you a little bit every month, or do you want us to pay you in a lump sum, one lump sum? penalize v. 處罰 house poor phr. 房奴 pad n. 住處 bachelor pad 單身漢 stereotypically messys or pool table in the basement or they got a bunch of guy stuff housewarming party 喬遷派對